Online local marketplace

Join our community of sellers, and sell to buyers across your locality and beyond. Premium shop tools and rewards!

Act Now! First 50 registered sellers get up to ₹5000 in credits to promote their shop online.

Start Selling

Graame gives you an opportunity to sell all around your locality. Launching with select localities now!

We guarantee quality experience for both buyers and sellers.

Currently accepting sellers from Rudrapur and Haldwani localities. Up next all localities in Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh states.

We are inviting small-scale all kind of shops including producers of craft and tailor made goods. If you are also creating unique, wonderfully made, great quality goods — apply today.

graame market

Why give Graame a shot?

We deliver high quality services and support to our sellers, including marketing assistance and sales advice.

Personal manager

We provide you with a personal manager that will help you craft high quality item descriptions as well as answer all of your questions to support you every step of the way.

Payments through cards and cash

All shops accepts payments through cards and cash for their products line.

3 months free of promotional credits and product support.
Seller Feedback is prioritized and gets rewawded in credits!

We incentivise seller feedback, if you take the time to provide us input into your seller experience you are rewarded with credits that you are able to use to list products for free.

Graame is a real swiss army knife for sellers

Our service will allow you to efficiently manage sales around the globe and spend less time managing your shop.


Following payment, only two more steps are required of the seller — pack the good and pass it to the delivery man.


Each seller has the option to choose the exact mode of payment that will suit him and his business needs.


Your personal Graame manager will help you to develop an effective plan on how to sell goods on the Local market and attract more buyers.

graame market

Frequently asked questions

Here are some common questions we receive about selling on Graame:

Graame marketplace what is it exactly?
Graame is the first local marketplace for  all kind of shops including small batch craft goods which gives access to the new markets around your locality and beyond, while removing the logistics problem for sellers. All you need to do is to register on the platform, create your own shop and begin selling. We’ll take care of the rest.
What kind of items would be sold on Graame?
Our marketplace is focused on items with the following characteriestics: all kind of items from local shops including small batch quantity of tailor and craft items, quality goods made with a passion and a story. Handmade? All the better! A good idea of initial types of items we will offer are: bags, backpacks, glasses, wallets and other reasonably sized items. This is just an idea this is by no means a limiting factor, but will give you a better understanding. We do have high standards for our sellers and the goods they offer, each will need to pass our standards prior to being listed to sell on our platform.
I am from X city/locality can I sell on your platform?
We are a local marketplace and will allow sellers from most if not all localities around the country to sell on Graame. However we need to start out from inital tested markets, and currently you are allowed to sell from Rudrapur and Haldwani. Sellers from rest of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh will be the next order of those who can sell on Graame.
As a seller in which currency do I get paid out in?
Currently you can get paid out in cash/online in currency INR. Others will follow shortly.

Ready to open your store?

Start selling on Graame